Global Urban Evolution Project
This is the blog of the Global Urban Evolution project (GLUE), telling the stories of the people, places and organisms behind the science of the largest scale study of evolution ever performed.
At its core, GLUE seeks to understand how cities affect the evolution of life on Earth. To do this, 287 scientists worked together across 160 cities in 26 countries on 7 continents to understand how urbanization affects environmental change and the evolution of one of the world’s most widespread plants – white clover, known by its scientific name of Trifolium repens. The scientific insights this humble plant has unlocked are truly remarkable. Learn more about GLUE here http://www.globalurbanevolution.com
This blog is a collaboration between the Centre for Urban Environments at the University of Toronto and the Graduate Program in Geography at UFMT (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso), Brazil.
It is edited by:
Fabio Angeoletto,
Deleon Da Silva Leandro &
Marc T. J. Johnson
Email us: fabio_angeoletto@yahoo.es